Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Posted by Mayara Floss

Busking in Galway

       Inspiro e respiro a umidade daqui, entra pela minha boca, pelos meus olhos, pelos meus ouvidos, pelo meu tato. O vento, o ar úmido, e me toca o paladar da música, de esquina em esquina, buscando, encontrando, desencontrando. As gotas escorrem dos prédios e a música escorre pelo caminho gelado, sinto as bochechas quentes e as orelhas frias.  E o coração segue no ritmo vibrando na calçada cinza.

     Na língua inglesa existe um termo que eu não conheço em português para os artistas de rua. O termo em inglês é "busking" e me lembra "buscar", para os artistas que estão "buscando" e aproveitando o ambiente da rua. No cinza de Galway todos é possível encontrar todos os dias muito talento musical, o dia é mais colorido na Irlanda com os músicos, não teve um dia que sai e que não escutei alguém cantando, outro tocando violão, sax, acordeon, bandas inteiras. E alguns tocando para juntar o dinheiro para cerveja, como dizem os cartazes. Deixo aqui algumas impressões das ruas de Galway (acesse o álbum completo clicando aqui).

Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
The saxman in Galway
Me and saxman (:

Voam abraços,
---  English Version ---

Busking in Galway
     I breathe in and bleed the humidity here, it comes through my mouth, through my eyes, my ears, through my touch. The wind, the humid air, and the time stops and I feel the touch me taste of music, from corner to corner, searching, finding, desencontrando. The drops trickle down the buildings and the music runs the frozen path, I feel my cheeks hot and my ears cold . And the heart follows the rhythm vibrating in the gray sidewalk of Galway.
     In the English language there is a term I do not know in Portuguese for street performers. The English term is "busking" and reminds me of "seek" in portuguese, for artists who are "seeking" and enjoying the street environment. In the gray Galway everyone can find everyday a lot of musical talent, the day is more colorful in Ireland with the musicians, did not have a day out and I did not hear someone singing, other playing guitar, sax, accordion, entire bands. And some playing to gather money for beer, as the signs with the musicians say. I leave here some photo impressions from the streets of Galway (visit the full album by clicking here).

Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
Busking in Galway
The saxman in Galway
Me and saxman (:

 Flying Hugs,

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