Friday, March 28, 2014

Um mês//One month

Posted by Mayara Floss

The last "mate" in my home before come to Ireland
      Volta e meia me perguntam sobre os "ses", e se tivesse continuado no Brasil, e se me formasse com meus colegas, e se minha vida continuasse exatamente como o planejado. Passou um mês e me permiti tudo o que consegui: viajei, conheci uma nova família, mudei de casa, fui para Connemara, toquei banjo e violão; estudei, andei de caiaque, fiz esgrima, arco e flecha; comi panqueca; passei um St. Patricks Day, fui no The Crane, Tig Cóili, The Quays, The Kings Head, The Taaffes; conheci novas cidades, visitei novos lugares, li, poetisei, escrevi, fotografei, senti muita saudades, abracei, tomei chimarrão, fiz muitos amigos e vivi, cada dia com muita intensidade, agarrando o tempo de estar aqui.

Voam abraços,

---  English Version ---
One month

The last "mate" in my home before come to Ireland

      Now and again the people asking me about the "ifs", and if I had continued in Brazil, If I had graduated with my colleagues, if had formed with my colleagues, and if my life went exactly as the planne. I spent a my first month in Galway, far away of my family, friends and allowed myself everything I could: I traveled, I met a new family, moved house, went to Connemara, played banjo and guitar; studied, did kayakingfencing, archery; ate pancakes; spent a St . Patricks day, I was at The Crane, Tig Coili, the Quays, the Kings Head, The Taaffes; met new cities, visite new places, read, did poetry, wrote, photographed, hugged miss a lot of people in Brazil, but I made many friends and lived each day with great intensity, grabbing the time to be here.

Flying hugs,