Sunday, April 06, 2014

The Burning Hell

Posted by Mayara Floss

The Burning Hell

      Na última quinta-feira fui assistir o show da banda Canadense The Burning Hell no pub The Crane, na verdade estavam dois integrantes da banda: Kom tocando violão e Ariel Sharrat tocando clarinete. A banda tem é irreverente e as letras são inteligentes. Por exemplo, na música "Bed time stories" criticando as histórias de dormir: "in every folk tale, in every book, there is a hero or a heroine. and there is a witch or a troll or a crook or an evil stepmother or just a general villain. and I remember reading when i was young and i always felt sorry for the bad ones and the tricksters (...)". Outra música muito interessante e que todo mundo cantou junto durante o show foi "Everything you Believe is a lie". A dupla era muito envolvente e o tempo passou rápido no The Crane.

      Para abrir o show do The Burning Hell teve Steven Sharpe um homem que fez uma peça de teatro "Who’s The Man?" falando como é crescer gay na Irlanda. Ele fez uma participação especial com Tara Stacey que tem uma voz muito doce. Vale a pena conhecer os dois ele é muito teatral e expressivo. Já foram adicionados na minha playlist.

"And asked me the question
'Are you gay in your dreams
and whats with all the dancing?
Why do you talk like that?'"

         Apesar do pouco tempo da atuação da Tara, procurei sobre ela na internet e encontrei o Bandcamp dela com algumas músicas. Uma delas tem no youtube: "Candles".

"Well my arms are full of candles
That I'm holding for boys
Who don't remember my name.
And my fingers keep on getting burnt
From holding them too long,
Perhaps it's time to blow out some old flames."

     O outro show de abertura foi com o James OD, não encontrei muitas informações sobre ele na internet, só alguns shows que ele apresentou junto com a Tara Stacey, o Steven Sharpe e a banda The Fellow Sponges. Ele também tinha uma linha de show bem alternativa. Foi muito interessante poder conhecer a banda The Burning Hell ao vivo e me aproximar da música local de Galway.

Steven Sharpe
Steven Sharpe e Tara Stacey
James OD
The Burning Hell
The Burning Hell

The Burning Hell
        No final do show comprei o disco de vinil do The Burning Hell o disco "The Flux Capacitor" e deu até para conseguir um autógrafo, só vou conseguir escutar o vinil no Brasil, mas ganhei um código para fazer o download do disco no Bandcamp.
 Voam abraços, 

See more:
See de complete album clicking here
Bandcamp of The Burning Hell:
Facebook of The Burning Hell:
The Burning Hell Official site:
Steven Sharpe:
Tara Stacey:

---  English Version ---
The Burning Hell

The Burning Hell

      On Thursday I went to watch the show from the Canadian band The Burning Hell at the pub The Crane, actually were two members of the band: Kom playing guitar and clarinet playing Ariel Sharratt. The band has is irreverent and the lyrics are clever. For example, the song "Bed Time stories" criticizing the bedtime stories "in every folk tale, in every book, there is a hero or a heroine and there is a witch or a troll or a crook or an evil stepmother or. just a general villain. reading and I remember when i was young and i always felt sorry for the bad ones and the tricksters (...) ". Another very interesting and everyone sang along during the show music was "Everything you Believe is a lie." The duo was very engaging and the time passed quickly at The Crane.

        To open the show at The Burning Hell had Steven Sharpe, a man who made a drama "Who's The Man?" speaking of growing up gay in Ireland. He made ​​a cameo with Tara Stacey and she has a very sweet voice. It is worth knowing the two is very theatrical and expressive. Already been added to my playlist.

"And asked me the question
'Are you gay in your dreams
and whats with all the dancing?
Why do you talk like that?'"

      Despite the short time of action of Tara, I searched about her on the internet and found some songs in the ​​Bandcamp. One of them has on youtube: "Candles".

"Well my arms are full of candles
That I'm holding for boys
Who don't remember my name.
And my fingers keep on getting burnt
From holding them too long, Perhaps it's time to blow out some old flames."

      The other opening show was with James OD, I did not find much information about it on the internet, only some shows he presented along with Tara Stacey, Steven Sharpe and the band The Fellow Sponges. He also had a very alternative line of show. It was very interesting to know the band The Burning Hell live and approach the local music Galway.

Steven Sharpe
Steven Sharpe e Tara Stacey
James OD
The Burning Hell
The Burning Hell
The Burning Hell
     At the end of the show I bought the vinyl of The Burning Hell's album "The Flux Capacitor" and gave up to get an autograph, I only get to listen to vinyl in Brazil, but I got a code to download the album on Bandcamp.

  Flying Hugs, 

See more:
See de complete album clicking here
Bandcamp of The Burning Hell:
The Burning Hell Official site:
Facebook of The Burning Hell: 
Steven Sharpe:
Tara Stacey: