Thursday, July 17, 2014

7 perguntas sobre o Galway Arts Festival // 7 questions about the Galway Arts Festival

Posted by Mayara Floss

The Big Top. Image site:

Hi folks! Estou trabalhando como voluntária do Galway Arts Festival que começou oficialmente ontem. Trabalhei no show do “The Nationals” na Big Top. Uma tenda azul gigante que construíram no campus da  National University of Ireland, Galway. É incrível a energia e a animação que a cidade está. Infelizmente como voluntária não poderei fotografar o meu trabalho nem publicá-lo. Mas estou participando do festival fora do voluntariado e as fotos virão. Amanhã na Big Top vai ter a cantora irlandesa Imelda May na Big Top e pasmém os ingressos para esse show já esgotaram. Mas fica um vídeo para conhecer o trabalho dela.

Então vamos para as perguntas mais comuns que me fizeram:

1. O que é o Galway Arts Festival?

Criado em 1978 o Galway Arts Festival é um festival de artes multidisciplinar produzindo e apresentando um programa internacional de teatro, espectáculo, dança, artes visuais, música, literatura e comédia. Para vocês terem uma ideia ano passado 165,000 pessoas vieram para o festival.

2. Quando é o festival?

O festival ocorre durante os verões irlandeses, este ano é do dia 14-27 de julho.

3. Como você fez para se voluntariar?

Há cerca de dois meses eu tinha enviado um e-mail para o voluntariado do evento dizendo que eu gostaria de participar e quais eram as minhas motivações. A equipe respondeu me avisando que teria um processo seletivo e que eu teria que preencher um questionário no site. Fiquei de olho preenchi e depois me chamaram para uma entrevista, depois da entrevista conseguimos organizar a grade de horários.

4.O que é de graça?

Todas as exposições e arte e rua são gratuitas. Além de algumas palestras e eventos musicais.Decidi fazer uma lista: 

Galeria (free)*
- John Kindness na Absolut Festival Gallery nos dias 14–27 July 11am–6pm
- Leonie King no Absolut Festival Gallery nos dias 14–27 July 10am–8pm 
- Eduardo Paolozzi na Absolut Festival Gallery nos dias 14–27 July 11am–6pm 
- Pre-Pop to Post-Human  na Absolut Festival Gallery nos dias  4–27 July 11am–6pm
- Liam O’Callaghan no Galway Arts Centre nos dias 14–27 July 10am–5.30pm
- Patrick O’Reilly no THE SHED nos dias 14–27 July 11am–6pm
Karen Conway noUniversity Hospital Galway nos dias 14–27 July 10am–8pm
- 126 Gallery na Gallery 126  nos dias 14–27 July 11am–6pm
- Janet Cardiff na  Aula Maxima nos dias 14–27 July 11am–6pm
- Maurice Quillinan no  Galway City Museum nos dias 15–27 July 10am - 5pm,  Sunday 12 noon - 5pm and Closed Monday
- Window into Gaza no no  Galway City Museum nos dias 15–27 July 10am - 5pm,  Sunday 12 noon - 5pm and Closed Monday
- Brian Bourke & Jay Murphy no Norman Villa Gallery nos dias 14–27 July 11am–6pm

Musica (free) *
- A Dawn Chorus em Salthill às 6am.
- Hail the Musical no Mick Lally Theatre dia 16 July 2pm

Arte de rua (free)
- Dance of the Lobsters  na Eyre Square to Spanish Arch nos dias 15 & 16 July 1pm, 3pm & 10pm
- Hallalli na na Eyre Square dias 16th & 17th July 6pm
- Red Ball Galway no Spanish Arch nos 17–23 July 11am-6pm
- Dragonus  na Eyre Square to Spanish Arch nos dias 19–20 July 10pm
- The invasion na Shop Street & High Street nos dias 25 July 4pm, 26 July 2pm & 4pm

RedBall at the Spanih Arch
Talks (free) *
- How to Write a Book na  Aula Maxima no dia 20 July 11am

* Alguns eventos é preciso retirar os ingressos no Tourist Office (:

5. Quanto custam os eventos?  Tem desconto para estudante?

Os eventos variam de 5  para que é o Room 303  até eventos de 40 como os shows por exemplo o The Water Boys. Alguns eventos tem desconto para estudante, mas a maioria não. Não é como no Brasil que o estudante paga meia entrada. Você pode checar no site: .

6. Onde eu compro os tickets?

Você pode comprar os tickets no Tourist Office em Galway ou online no link: .

7. Onde posso encontrar mais informações?

No site do evento ( ) e no Tourist Office

(English Version)

7 questions about the Galway Arts Festival

The Big Top. Image site:

Hi folks! I'm working as a volunteer in the Galway Arts Festival which officially began yesterday. I worked on the show "The Nationals" in the Big Top. A blue giant tent built at National University of Ireland, Galway. It's amazing the energy and the excitement that the city is. Unfortunately as a volunteer I can not photograph my work or publish it. But I am participating in the festival out of volunteering and the pictures will come. Tomorrow the Big Top will be Irish singer Imelda May in the Big Top and amazingly tickets for this show already sold out. But is a video to know her work.

The most common questions the people asked me:

1. What is the Galway Arts Festival?

Created in 1978, the Galway Arts Festival is a multi-disciplinary arts festival presenting and producing an international program of theater, spectacle, dance, visual arts, music, literature and comedy. To give you an idea last year 165,000 people came to the festival.

2. When is the festival?

The festival occurs during the Irish summers, this year is July 14-27.

3. How did I volunteer?

About two months I had sent an email to the volunteer event saying that I would like to attend and what were my motivations. The staff responded telling me that would have a selective process and that I would have to fill out a questionnaire on the website. I kept an eye filled and then they called me for an interview, after the interview could arrange the schedule grid.

4.What is free?

All exhibitions and street art and are free. Besides some lectures and musical events. I decided to make a list:

Gallery (free)*
- John Kindness in Absolut Festival Gallery at 14–27 July 11am–6pm
- Leonie King in Absolut Festival Gallery at 14–27 July 10am–8pm 
- Eduardo Paolozzi in Absolut Festival Gallery at 14–27 July 11am–6pm 
- Pre-Pop to Post-Human  in Absolut Festival Gallery at  4–27 July 11am–6pm
- Liam O’Callaghan in Galway Arts Centre at 14–27 July 10am–5.30pm
- Patrick O’Reilly in THE SHED at 14–27 July 11am–6pm
Karen Conway inUniversity Hospital Galway at 14–27 July 10am–8pm
- 126 Gallery in Gallery 126  at 14–27 July 11am–6pm
- Janet Cardiff in  Aula Maxima at 14–27 July 11am–6pm
- Maurice Quillinan in  Galway City Museum at 15–27 July 10am - 5pm,  Sunday 12 noon - 5pm and Closed Monday
- Window into Gaza in  Galway City Museum at 15–27 July 10am - 5pm,  Sunday 12 noon - 5pm and Closed Monday
- Brian Bourke & Jay Murphy in Norman Villa Gallery at 14–27 July 11am–6pm

Music (free) *
- A Dawn Chorus in Salthill at 6am.
- Hail the Musical in Mick Lally Theatre at 16 July 2pm

Street art (free)
- Dance of the Lobsters  in Eyre Square to Spanish Arch at 15 & 16 July 1pm, 3pm & 10pm
- Hallalli in Eyre Square at 16th & 17th July 6pm
- Red Ball Galway in Spanish Arch at 17–23 July 11am-6pm
- Dragonus  in Eyre Square to Spanish Arch at  19–20 July 10pm
- The invasion in Shop Street & High Street at 25 July 4pm, 26 July 2pm & 4pm

RedBall at the Spanih Arch
Talks (free) *
- How to Write a Book in Aula Maxima at  20 July 11am

* Some events are necessary to take the tickets in Tourist Office (:

5. How is the cost of the tickets? Have student discount?

The events range from 5 as is Room 303 to 40 as shows for example The Water Boys. Some events have student discount, but most do not. It's not like that in Brazil the student pays half price. You can check this site: 

6. Where do I buy the tickets?

You can buy tickets at the Tourist Office in Galway or online at the link: .

7. Where can I find more information?

In the event website ( and the Tourist Office .